Brand: Bioline
Dental Care Set Orange
Size: 100g
Tooth paste help to prevent the build up of tartar. Improves the hygiene in the mouth.
Applications: – Tooth brush large brush for the front teeth – Small brush for the molars – Brush heads toothbrush for sensitive dogs enable to gentle brushing on sensitive areas (especially recommended during the adaption phase). – Gum massage brush promotes blood circulations and prevents receding gums. Package: 100gm tooth pest and 3 different kind of Brush.
Four Most Common Health Issues in Cats and Dogs: Symptoms and Prevention Tips
Learn about the 4 most common health issues in cats and dogs, their symptoms, and prevention tips to keep your furry friend healthy and happy!
المشاكل الصحية الأربعة الأكثر شيوعا في القطط والكلاب: الأعراض وطرق الوقاية
تعلم عن أكثر أربعة مشاكل صحية شائعة لدى القطط والكلاب، وأعراضها، ونصائح الوقاية للحفاظ على صحة وسعادة صديقك الفروي!
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